Kendra Luck, DogumentarianDogumentarian: 1. One who captures the character of dogs in their natural setting. 2. One who creates photographs of actual canine events as they occur in a factual and creative way
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A TYPICAL SHOOT - "SABLE" 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   back to galleries

Every dog and their family is a different situation, but typically we'll meet at a favorite park or play spot, giving your dog and I a chance to get used to each other. I'll photograph your dog at play and at rest, doing whatever they do, with and without the family. Then we'll head for home.

Playing with rope knot


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©2002 Kendra Luck, Dogumentarian | Professional Portraits of Dogs and Their People
510.527.1011 | Albany, California, in the San Francisco Bay Area
Site design by Sara Waters Design