Kendra Luck, DogumentarianDogumentarian: 1. One who captures the character of dogs in their natural setting. 2. One who creates photographs of actual canine events as they occur in a factual and creative way
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I guess I could say that my life has always gone to the dogs. Since childhood I've had a canine camaraderie with such pets as Tina, Muffin, Babe and Alice in San Francisco's South Bay Area. Nine years ago, Gladys, my dog, came into my life, and like many other dog owners have experienced, she's taught me quite a thing or two about the world -- more than I ever imagined. A beagle Staffordshire terrier mix, Gladys had been adopted and returned to an animal shelter twice before I sniffed her out one day. She is prone to hunger strikes and squirrel hunting, yet she'll follow a patch of sun around the house to always keep warm. She also flatly refuses to go out in the rain and she'll choose to spend an entire day in my car rather than stay home alone. These quirky characteristics are the things that make her special to me. Gladys' feelings have factored into many of my decision-making processes over the years, especially when choosing housemates. When she hasn't liked potential candidates or their dogs, it's been a no-go, and many haven't been worth wagging over, according to Gladys. In giving my "best friend" the final say on who we live with, we have shared our home with some wonderful dogs (and people).

The experience of photographing Gladys and her friends has been the genesis for my work as a Dogumentarian. Because of my devotion to Gladys and the dogs we've known over the years, I left my career as an award-winning photojournalist at the San Francisco Chronicle in 2001 and turned my photographic attention to dogs. After having worked for more than ten years as a professional photojournalist at newspapers all over the San Francisco Bay Area, I am ready for this new challenge: to take my experience photographing real people and their real lives in a documentary style and turn my emphasis to real dogs and their real lives.


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©2002 Kendra Luck, Dogumentarian | Professional Portraits of Dogs and Their People
510.527.1011 | Albany, California, in the San Francisco Bay Area
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